aku nok ndi : /home/astwardha/public_html/astwardha/
File Up :
aku nok ndi : /home/astwardha/public_html/astwardha/

# Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
# For licensing, see LICENSE.html or

# On some specific Linux installations you could face problems with Firefox.
# It could give you errors when loading the editor saying that some illegal
# characters were found (three strange chars in the beginning of the file).
# This could happen if you map the .js or .css files to PHP, for example.
# Those characters are the Byte Order Mask (BOM) of the Unicode encoded files.
# All FCKeditor files are Unicode encoded.

AddType application/x-javascript .js
AddType text/css .css

# If PHP is mapped to handle XML files, you could have some issues. The
# following will disable it.

AddType text/xml .xml

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