aku nok ndi : /home/astwardha/public_html/admin/ckeditor/_source/plugins/dialogadvtab/
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aku nok ndi : /home/astwardha/public_html/admin/ckeditor/_source/plugins/dialogadvtab/plugin.js

Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or


function setupAdvParams( element )
	var attrName = this.att;

	var value = element && element.hasAttribute( attrName ) && element.getAttribute( attrName ) || '';

	if ( value !== undefined )
		this.setValue( value );

function commitAdvParams()
	// Dialogs may use different parameters in the commit list, so, by
	// definition, we take the first CKEDITOR.dom.element available.
	var element;

	for ( var i = 0 ; i < arguments.length ; i++ )
		if ( arguments[ i ] instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element )
			element = arguments[ i ];

	if ( element )
		var attrName = this.att,
			value = this.getValue();

		if ( value )
			element.setAttribute( attrName, value );
			element.removeAttribute( attrName, value );

CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'dialogadvtab',
	 * @param tabConfig
	 * id, dir, classes, styles
	createAdvancedTab : function( editor, tabConfig )
		if ( !tabConfig )
			tabConfig = { id:1, dir:1, classes:1, styles:1 };

		var lang = editor.lang.common;

		var result =
			id : 'advanced',
			label : lang.advancedTab,
			title : lang.advancedTab,
			elements :
						type : 'vbox',
						padding : 1,
						children : []

		var contents = [];

		if ( || tabConfig.dir )
			if ( )
						id : 'advId',
						att : 'id',
						type : 'text',
						label :,
						setup : setupAdvParams,
						commit : commitAdvParams

			if ( tabConfig.dir )
						id : 'advLangDir',
						att : 'dir',
						type : 'select',
						label : lang.langDir,
						'default' : '',
						style : 'width:100%',
						items :
							[ lang.notSet, '' ],
							[ lang.langDirLTR, 'ltr' ],
							[ lang.langDirRTL, 'rtl' ]
						setup : setupAdvParams,
						commit : commitAdvParams

			result.elements[ 0 ].children.push(
					type : 'hbox',
					widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
					children : [].concat( contents )

		if ( tabConfig.styles || tabConfig.classes )
			contents = [];

			if ( tabConfig.styles )
						id : 'advStyles',
						att : 'style',
						type : 'text',
						label : lang.styles,
						'default' : '',

						validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.inlineStyle( lang.invalidInlineStyle ),
						onChange : function(){},

						getStyle : function( name, defaultValue )
							var match = this.getValue().match( new RegExp( name + '\\s*:\\s*([^;]*)', 'i') );
							return match ? match[ 1 ] : defaultValue;

						updateStyle : function( name, value )
							var styles = this.getValue();

							// Remove the current value.
							if ( styles )
								styles = styles
									.replace( new RegExp( '\\s*' + name + '\s*:[^;]*(?:$|;\s*)', 'i' ), '' )
									.replace( /^[;\s]+/, '' )
									.replace( /\s+$/, '' );

							if ( value )
								styles && !(/;\s*$/).test( styles ) && ( styles += '; ' );
								styles += name + ': ' + value;

							this.setValue( styles, 1 );


						setup : setupAdvParams,

						commit : commitAdvParams


			if ( tabConfig.classes )
						type : 'hbox',
						widths : [ '45%', '55%' ],
						children :
								id : 'advCSSClasses',
								att : 'class',
								type : 'text',
								label : lang.cssClasses,
								'default' : '',
								setup : setupAdvParams,
								commit : commitAdvParams


			result.elements[ 0 ].children.push(
					type : 'hbox',
					widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
					children : [].concat( contents )

		return result;


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