aku nok ndi : /home/astwardha/public_html/admin/ckeditor/_source/plugins/clipboard/
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aku nok ndi : /home/astwardha/public_html/admin/ckeditor/_source/plugins/clipboard/plugin.js

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 * @file Clipboard support

	// Tries to execute any of the paste, cut or copy commands in IE. Returns a
	// boolean indicating that the operation succeeded.
	var execIECommand = function( editor, command )
		var doc = editor.document,
			body = doc.getBody();

		var enabled = false;
		var onExec = function()
			enabled = true;

		// The following seems to be the only reliable way to detect that
		// clipboard commands are enabled in IE. It will fire the
		// onpaste/oncut/oncopy events only if the security settings allowed
		// the command to execute.
		body.on( command, onExec );

		// IE6/7: document.execCommand has problem to paste into positioned element.
		( CKEDITOR.env.version > 7 ? doc.$ : doc.$.selection.createRange() ) [ 'execCommand' ]( command );

		body.removeListener( command, onExec );

		return enabled;

	// Attempts to execute the Cut and Copy operations.
	var tryToCutCopy = ?
			function( editor, type )
				return execIECommand( editor, type );
		:		// !IE.
			function( editor, type )
					// Other browsers throw an error if the command is disabled.
					return editor.document.$.execCommand( type, false, null );
				catch( e )
					return false;

	// A class that represents one of the cut or copy commands.
	var cutCopyCmd = function( type )
		this.type = type;
		this.canUndo = this.type == 'cut';		// We can't undo copy to clipboard.
		this.startDisabled = true;

	cutCopyCmd.prototype =
		exec : function( editor, data )
			this.type == 'cut' && fixCut( editor );

			var success = tryToCutCopy( editor, this.type );

			if ( !success )
				alert( editor.lang.clipboard[ this.type + 'Error' ] );		// Show cutError or copyError.

			return success;

	// Paste command.
	var pasteCmd =
		canUndo : false,

		exec : ?
				function( editor )
					// Prevent IE from pasting at the begining of the document.

					if ( !editor.document.getBody().fire( 'beforepaste' )
						 && !execIECommand( editor, 'paste' ) )
					{ 'pasteDialog' );
						return false;
				function( editor )
						if ( !editor.document.getBody().fire( 'beforepaste' )
							 && !editor.document.$.execCommand( 'Paste', false, null ) )
							throw 0;
					catch ( e )
						setTimeout( function()
							{ 'pasteDialog' );
							}, 0 );
						return false;

	// Listens for some clipboard related keystrokes, so they get customized.
	var onKey = function( event )
		if ( this.mode != 'wysiwyg' )

		switch ( )
			// Paste
			case CKEDITOR.CTRL + 86 :		// CTRL+V
			case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 45 :		// SHIFT+INS

				var body = this.document.getBody();

				// Simulate 'paste' event for Opera/Firefox2.
				if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera
						 || CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 ) 'paste' );

			// Cut
			case CKEDITOR.CTRL + 88 :		// CTRL+X
			case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 46 :		// SHIFT+DEL

				// Save Undo snapshot.
				var editor = this; 'saveSnapshot' );		// Save before paste
				setTimeout( function()
					{ 'saveSnapshot' );		// Save after paste
					}, 0 );

	function cancel( evt ) { evt.cancel(); }

	// Allow to peek clipboard content by redirecting the
	// pasting content into a temporary bin and grab the content of it.
	function getClipboardData( evt, mode, callback )
		var doc = this.document;

		// Avoid recursions on 'paste' event or consequent paste too fast. (#5730)
		if ( doc.getById( 'cke_pastebin' ) )

		// If the browser supports it, get the data directly
		if ( mode == 'text' && &&$.clipboardData )
			//$.clipboardData.types contains all the flavours in Mac's Safari, but not on windows.
			var plain =$.clipboardData.getData( 'text/plain' );
			if ( plain )
				callback( plain );

		var sel = this.getSelection(),
			range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( doc );

		// Create container to paste into
		var pastebin = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( mode == 'text' ? 'textarea' : CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 'body' : 'div', doc );
		pastebin.setAttribute( 'id', 'cke_pastebin' );
		// Safari requires a filler node inside the div to have the content pasted into it. (#4882)
		CKEDITOR.env.webkit && pastebin.append( doc.createText( '\xa0' ) );
		doc.getBody().append( pastebin );

				position : 'absolute',
				// Position the bin exactly at the position of the selected element
				// to avoid any subsequent document scroll.
				top : sel.getStartElement().getDocumentPosition().y + 'px',
				width : '1px',
				height : '1px',
				overflow : 'hidden'

		// It's definitely a better user experience if we make the paste-bin pretty unnoticed
		// by pulling it off the screen.
		pastebin.setStyle( this.config.contentsLangDirection == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right', '-1000px' );

		var bms = sel.createBookmarks();

		this.on( 'selectionChange', cancel, null, null, 0 );

		// Turn off design mode temporarily before give focus to the paste bin.
		if ( mode == 'text' )
			range.setStartAt( pastebin, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
			range.setEndAt( pastebin, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END ); true );

		var editor  = this;
		// Wait a while and grab the pasted contents
		window.setTimeout( function()
			// Restore properly the document focus. (#5684, #8849)

			editor.removeListener( 'selectionChange', cancel );

			// Grab the HTML contents.
			// We need to look for a apple style wrapper on webkit it also adds
			// a div wrapper if you copy/paste the body of the editor.
			// Remove hidden div and restore selection.
			var bogusSpan;
			pastebin = ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit
						 && ( bogusSpan = pastebin.getFirst() )
						 && ( && bogusSpan.hasClass( 'Apple-style-span' ) ) ?
							bogusSpan : pastebin );

			// IE7: selection must go before removing paste. (#8691)
			sel.selectBookmarks( bms );
			callback( pastebin[ 'get' + ( mode == 'text' ? 'Value' : 'Html' ) ]() );
		}, 0 );

	// Cutting off control type element in IE standards breaks the selection entirely. (#4881)
	function fixCut( editor )
		if ( ! || CKEDITOR.env.quirks )

		var sel = editor.getSelection();
		var control;
		if( ( sel.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT ) && ( control = sel.getSelectedElement() ) )
			var range = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ];
			var dummy = editor.document.createText( '' );
			dummy.insertBefore( control );
			range.setStartBefore( dummy );
			range.setEndAfter( control );
			sel.selectRanges( [ range ] );

			// Clear up the fix if the paste wasn't succeeded.
			setTimeout( function()
				// Element still online?
				if ( control.getParent() )
					sel.selectElement( control );
			}, 0 );

	var depressBeforeEvent;
	function stateFromNamedCommand( command, editor )
		// IE Bug: queryCommandEnabled('paste') fires also 'beforepaste(copy/cut)',
		// guard to distinguish from the ordinary sources( either
		// keyboard paste or execCommand ) (#4874). && ( depressBeforeEvent = 1 );

		try { retval = editor.document.$.queryCommandEnabled( command ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED; }catch( er ){}

		depressBeforeEvent = 0;
		return retval;

	var inReadOnly;
	function setToolbarStates()
		if ( this.mode != 'wysiwyg' )

		this.getCommand( 'cut' ).setState( inReadOnly ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED : stateFromNamedCommand( 'Cut', this ) );
		this.getCommand( 'copy' ).setState( stateFromNamedCommand( 'Copy', this ) );
		var pasteState = inReadOnly ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED :
						CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : stateFromNamedCommand( 'Paste', this ); 'pasteState', pasteState );

	// Register the plugin.
	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'clipboard',
			requires : [ 'dialog', 'htmldataprocessor' ],
			init : function( editor )
				// Inserts processed data into the editor at the end of the
				// events chain.
				editor.on( 'paste', function( evt )
						var data =;
						if ( data[ 'html' ] )
							editor.insertHtml( data[ 'html' ] );
						else if ( data[ 'text' ] )
							editor.insertText( data[ 'text' ] );

						setTimeout( function () { 'afterPaste' ); }, 0 );

					}, null, null, 1000 );

				editor.on( 'pasteDialog', function( evt )
						setTimeout( function()
							// Open default paste dialog.
							editor.openDialog( 'paste' );
						}, 0 );

				editor.on( 'pasteState', function( evt )
						editor.getCommand( 'paste' ).setState( );

				function addButtonCommand( buttonName, commandName, command, ctxMenuOrder )
					var lang = editor.lang[ commandName ];

					editor.addCommand( commandName, command );
					editor.ui.addButton( buttonName,
							label : lang,
							command : commandName

					// If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu item.
					if ( editor.addMenuItems )
						editor.addMenuItem( commandName,
								label : lang,
								command : commandName,
								group : 'clipboard',
								order : ctxMenuOrder

				addButtonCommand( 'Cut', 'cut', new cutCopyCmd( 'cut' ), 1 );
				addButtonCommand( 'Copy', 'copy', new cutCopyCmd( 'copy' ), 4 );
				addButtonCommand( 'Paste', 'paste', pasteCmd, 8 );

				CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'paste', CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'dialogs/paste.js' ) );

				editor.on( 'key', onKey, editor );

				// We'll be catching all pasted content in one line, regardless of whether the
				// it's introduced by a document command execution (e.g. toolbar buttons) or
				// user paste behaviors. (e.g. Ctrl-V)
				editor.on( 'contentDom', function()
					var body = editor.document.getBody();

					// Intercept the paste before it actually takes place.
					body.on( ! ? 'paste' : 'beforepaste', function( evt )
							if ( depressBeforeEvent )

							// Dismiss the (wrong) 'beforepaste' event fired on toolbar menu open.
							var domEvent = &&$;
							if ( && domEvent && !domEvent.ctrlKey )

							// Fire 'beforePaste' event so clipboard flavor get customized
							// by other plugins.
							var eventData =  { mode : 'html' }; 'beforePaste', eventData ); editor, evt, eventData.mode, function ( data )
								// The very last guard to make sure the
								// paste has successfully happened.
								if ( !( data = data.replace( /<span[^>]+data-cke-bookmark[^<]*?<\/span>/ig,'' ) ) ) )

								var dataTransfer = {};
								dataTransfer[ eventData.mode ] = data; 'paste', dataTransfer );
							} );

					if ( )
						// Dismiss the (wrong) 'beforepaste' event fired on context menu open. (#7953)
						body.on( 'contextmenu', function()
							depressBeforeEvent = 1;
							// Important: The following timeout will be called only after menu closed.
							setTimeout( function() { depressBeforeEvent = 0; }, 0 );
						} );

						// Handle IE's late coming "paste" event when pasting from
						// browser toolbar/context menu.
						body.on( 'paste', function( evt )
							if ( !editor.document.getById( 'cke_pastebin' ) )
								// Prevent native paste.;

								depressBeforeEvent = 0;
								// Resort to the paste command.
								pasteCmd.exec( editor );
						} );

					body.on( 'beforecut', function() { !depressBeforeEvent && fixCut( editor ); } );

					body.on( 'mouseup', function(){ setTimeout( function(){ editor ); }, 0 ); }, editor );
					body.on( 'keyup', setToolbarStates, editor );

				// For improved performance, we're checking the readOnly state on selectionChange instead of hooking a key event for that.
				editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( evt )
					inReadOnly =[ 0 ].checkReadOnly(); editor );

				// If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners.
				if ( editor.contextMenu )
					editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element, selection )
							var readOnly = selection.getRanges()[ 0 ].checkReadOnly();
							return {
								cut : !readOnly && stateFromNamedCommand( 'Cut', editor ),
								copy : stateFromNamedCommand( 'Copy', editor ),
								paste : !readOnly && ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : stateFromNamedCommand( 'Paste', editor ) )

 * Fired when a clipboard operation is about to be taken into the editor.
 * Listeners can manipulate the data to be pasted before having it effectively
 * inserted into the document.
 * @name CKEDITOR.editor#paste
 * @since 3.1
 * @event
 * @param {String} [data.html] The HTML data to be pasted. If not available, will be defined.
 * @param {String} [data.text] The plain text data to be pasted, available when plain text operations are to used. If not available, will be defined.

 * Internal event to open the Paste dialog
 * @name CKEDITOR.editor#pasteDialog
 * @event

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