aku nok ndi : /home/astwardha/.reload/scripts/
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aku nok ndi : /home/astwardha/.reload/scripts/insult.e

And tell me, are you still making Nightly installments on your new car?
Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental.
Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today?
Can I borrow your face for a few days? My ass is going on holiday.
Congratulations; you're a perfect argument against brother-sister marriages.
Do YOU ever get tired of having yourself around?
Do you have your easygoing nature because you're too heavy to run, or just too fat to fight?
Don't I know you from high school, back when you only had one stomach and one chin?
Don't let you mind wander - it's far too small to be let out on its own.
Don't tell me - I know who you are! Yeah, you're the reason they made birth control...
Follow Cobain's footsteps, blow your brains out. It's not like you've got much to lose...
For a minute there I didn't recognize you. It was the happiest minute of my life.
Go fart peas at the moon!
Hi! I'm a human! What are you?
I can tell that you are lying - your lips are moving.
I can't remember your name, but your nasty attitude is kinda familar...
I don't know what I'd do without you, but I'd like to try.
I don't know what makes you tick, but I hope it's a time bomb.
I just figured something out: if I bought you for what *I* thought you were worth, and sold you for what *you* thought you were worth, I'd be the richest guy in the world...
I like you better the more I see you less.
I thought of you today. I was at the zoo.
I would have liked to insult you, but the sad truth is that you wouldn't understand me.
I'd smack the shit out of you if I didn't think it would fill up the room
I'll swear eternal friendship to anyone who hates you as much as I do.
I'm sure you'll be alright when the marijuana wears off.
If I want any shit from you I'll squeeze your head
If Moses had've seen YOUR face, he would've written an 11th commandment.
If the old saying "What you don't know won't hurt you" is true, you must be invulnerable...
If you ever get into an elevator, It better be going DOWN...
Is that your face, or did you block a kick?
Let's play horse. I'll be the front end, you be yourself.
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.
May your bollocks turn cubical and fester at the corners.
Pertaining to your physiognomy, it suffices to say that, since it occupies a position on the front of your head, it must be a face.
Sit down, give your mind a rest - it obviously needs it.
Tell me, how many Peeping Toms has your mother cured?
The inbreeding is certainly obvious in your family.
The only reason people look up to you is because it's easier than trying to look AROUND you.
The only thing that will ever make you look good is DISTANCE!
There's nothing wrong with you that a miracle couldn't cure...
Well, you're proof that reincarnation can happen. I mean, who else could get THAT ugly in only one lifetime?
Weren't you the one who sent your picture to the Lonely Hearts Club and got the reply "Sorry, we're not THAT lonely..." ?
What a combination: IQ of a Ph.D., Intelligence of a mentally retarded termite.
What sexual position produces the ugliest children? Ask your mom.
What's on your mind? if you'll please excuse the exaggeration...
When I look into your eyes, I see straight through to the back of your head.
You are living proof that manure can sprout legs and walk.
You are not as bad as people say - you are much, much worse.
You are so stupid you couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the  instructions were written on the bottom of the heel.
You could make a good living renting yourself out to scare people with hiccups..
You'd make a good violinist, if you could figure out which CHIN to put the violin under...
You're not yourself today. I noticed the improvement immediately.
Your a few fries short of a happy meal!
Your as sharp as the leading edge of a BB.
Your underarms are so hairy, you look like Buckwheat in a headlock.
Yours is a prima facie case of ugliness. Your body is damned ugly, too.

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